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보스턴 공항(Logan International Airport) 터미널에서 다트머스대 가는 다트머스 코치(Dartmouth Coach) 타기

by 서구원 2014. 1. 4.

보스턴 공항(Logan International Airport) 터미널에서 다트머스대 가는 다트머스 코치(Dartmouth Coach) 타기


보스턴 공항 터미널 A, B, C, E 터미널에서 타트머스 코치를 탈 수 있다.


터미널 A : 공항 외부 셔틀버스 타는 곳에서 다트머스 코치 타는 곳을 탐색 



다트머스 코치 홈페이지 정보 찾기

링크 : http://www.dartmouthcoach.com/index.php/massachusetts/logan-international-airport.html


보스턴 (로건) 국제공항 타는 곳 

Terminal A: Downstairs, outside of baggage claim, all the way down to the right of the terminal near the signs that read Scheduled Buses.

Terminal B: Downstairs outside of baggage claim by the orange bus sign at US Airways and American Airlines. Reminder, after the bus departs from Terminal A, it will proceed to B1, and then B2. Dartmouth Coach only picks up at the far right handside of the terminal as you exit the facility. An orange bus sign is located to the left.

Terminal C: Outside of baggage claim, wait by the curb, by the scheduled orange bus sign.

Terminal E: Downstairs, outside of baggage claim, all the way down to the right of the terminal, by the scheduled orange bus sign.